Monthly Archives: September 2014

23. The Descent

“I was born in the nineteen eighties, my friends. I have seen more that any of you shall ever would, because the world is coming to an end, and none of you shall live enough to see the end of it, unless you are the miracle itself. But unfortunately, you are surrounded by a group of people who find it easy to believe that the Earth is round, it revolves around the sun and the moon is Earth’s satellite without seeing them, and need proof for God’s existence. In this world of hypocrisy, isn’t it better for the universe to end rather than continue its miserable ignorant existence?” whispered the voice.

“Now, that is new. Seriously you mean to say that Earth doesn’t revolve and the moon isn’t Earth’s satellite?” inquired Jack.

“No, it never did and it shall never do the same. We were forced to believe the same in our science texts of schools, even as in the beginning we knew the truth that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The Earth actually never movied, and moon moves, but not as a satellite but as a part of the firmament”.

“No, they said it is so, and they have colonized the moon and they should know it better. We are a highly modern society and it is our right to deny everything you said” added Jack.

“See, I was only half true about what I said, and see your reaction. I am not supposed to reveal the secrets of the creation and the universe to you, for they are meant to be hidden. Some secrets are never to be revealed, and the pathetic experiments that you conduct shall reveal nothing significant. There is no science in what you do, for it is just magic. Most of what you do is dark magic which is directly obtained from the devil himself, and the white magic which has indirectly derived from the same. Just because the earlier magic vessels were renamed space ships, they do not make much of a difference. The scientists hide this from you and all of you believe in whatever they say unconditionally. They ever provide you with the proof in English or any language you know? They use equations and theories directly obtained from the other evil dimension. But without any proof, you are so much of a believer. Have they shown you all these things which they claim to have discovered? They can’t because, they don’t exist. It is a shame that God has to prove his existence while these so called fake discoveries and inventions automatically qualify as exact findings and people like you believe them blindly. It goes back a lot in time though, for earlier it was like the priests know everything and now it is like the scientists know everything. The scientists have replaced the priests, and this so called rationalism has developed into another religion, but there is no salvation this time, for you are just a random third rate creation which was an accident and shall end miserably with horrible death – thats what you believe in, right? Isn’t that what you live for, and isn’t what you get closer to the end each and every day in a miserable existence?”

“I do not understand it because I didn’t study more about science, but the scientists know it very well” said a confused Jack.

“Do you study God? Do you even know Him? How long have you been tied to this new fake religion propogated in the form of science? How many religious texts have you read? If you have that typical stubborn behaviour which prevents you from doing the same, why don’t you go through a little bit of Greek or Roman mythology? You can find some of those books in the cellar of this house, as Acheron doesn’t eat the books here”.

“But what would happen to my brilliant scientific…”

“Stop behaving like that. If you were to believe in science forever, you wouldn’t have been chosen for this revolution. Do you even know how much of a great past tea itself has. Yes, tea is divine and coffee is evil to the core. They used to call tea the elixir of life in the early ages. But its fall from paradise has slowly transformed it into a normal drink. Still, there is a lot of divine magic inside it which shall help you and your people in arriving at the right path towards glory”.

“Do you mean that we have to fight a huge battle” asked Noah.

“It is not a large battle on the outside, as most of it shall happen inside you. Ever heard about Kurukshetra? No matter how much you try to erase the same as well as the battle for Troy from the history using fake scientific evidences, they shall remain forever. They are the wars belonging to humanity before science took over and unleashed its horrors, not like your bloody world wars of this age, but as the battles of honour and righteousness. Let me tell you that Kurukshetra happens in your mind nowadays and you have to fight this battle of good and evil, knowledge and ignorance, truth and lies. Ever heard of chivalry? I guess not, for it was fading even during my generation of people”.

“You were a lecturer? Did you post graduate on Philosophy?” asked Jack.

“So you are trying to come up with that typical theory that people who study science are better than those who study arts? How well have you shaped that theory thought the years, and how many engineers have you produced extra, multplied by infinity? How well did that help the crowning of science over everything else and ex-terminated most of the creatures while destroying most of the human world and its inhabitants?”

“We are science and we are technology” said Jack.

“You are walking nonsense, nonstop and useless” added the voice.

“I agree to both” said Noah.

To be continued…

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